What else can we do for you?

The following cases describe situations that could often require additional support in the purchasing department:

You plan a reorganisation or new positioning of your purchasing department? 
Such huge and integrated projects require continuity, intensity and neutrality. Weber Consulting offers an experienced project team for the elaboration and implementation of measures in cooperation with your team.

There have been short-termed personnel changes in your purchasing department? 
Weber Consulting supports your team on a temporary basis, whether in managing positions or as flexible resources for operational work.

Yoor company does not have an own purchasing department yet? Weber Consulting overtakes purchasing topics, if your personnel is busy with daily work and technical issues. Additionally we also provides support you conceptionally and organizationally with building up your own purchasing department. beim Aufbau einer eigenen Einkaufsabteilung.


Do you have specific questions or demand?

We are looking forward to providing you more information. Let's think about how Weber Consulting can support you.